When you operate in the trucking and transportation industry, your top priority is typically ensuring your customer's satisfaction. In most instances, that occurs though completing routes on schedule (whether those are freight deliveries or passenger arrivals). Yet...
Trucking And Transportation Liability Defense
Final trucker HOS rule could help decrease liability
Lawsuits against trucking companies, owner-operators and insurers are rampant in today’s news. Administrators and legislators have worked tirelessly to develop regulations like hours-of-service rules that increase the safety of everyone on the highway. The most recent...
Who can be held liable after a drunk driving accident?
As the owner of a licensed establishment serving alcohol in New York, you can face severe penalties if someone accuses you of contributing to a drunk driving accident. The Law Firm of Connors & Connors, P.C., has over 60 years of experience representing...
3 risk management tips for trucking companies
Owning a New York trucking company is a big undertaking. While the industry is very much in demand, there are many liabilities you take on with this sort of company. Not only is there is a nationwide labor shortage, but also you have to worry about accidents. The...
How can the trucking industry increase safety?
Truck accidents are almost always serious situations. A large vehicle can cause a lot of property damage and can lead to severe injuries and death when a smaller vehicle is a part of the accident. It is imperative for both truck drivers and other drivers on the road...
How are you to proceed when road conditions are hazardous?
As the representative of a transportation carrier, you are often asked to walk a fine line. Your administrative duties may often require that you emphasize customer service (which in your case likely means that passengers get to their destinations both in New York and...
What if you were blamed for a trucker’s decision to speed?
Employees will often cite the pressure to perform as a reason for their cutting corners at work. This puts the spotlight on you (as an employer), painting a picture where your concern is only for your bottom line rather than the well-being of your workforce and the...
How data analysis helps smaller trucking companies manage risks.
In the information age, data collection and analytics have affected best practices in every industry. From business decisions at the C-suite to basketball plays drawn up on a white board (or tablet), analytics have changed the way decision makers assess their...
Understanding staged accidents and injuries
If you are a commercial truck driver in New York or if you work for a commercial transportation company, you know that other motorists may try to put the responsibility for a crash on you even when you did nothing wrong. It is important for you to know about some of...
Are you liable for the actions of your drivers?
As a business owner in New York, you likely understand that you will often be viewed as being responsible for the actions of your employees. The nature of certain professions may ensure that the potential for it practitioners to cause extensive damage is limited. Yet...