New York pharmacists have a lot on their plates. They are responsible for filling countless prescriptions every day. Besides that, they also have to stay on top of medical information. They must know the newest side effects, how medicines interact with each other and...
Month: January 2020
Who can be held liable after a drunk driving accident?
As the owner of a licensed establishment serving alcohol in New York, you can face severe penalties if someone accuses you of contributing to a drunk driving accident. The Law Firm of Connors & Connors, P.C., has over 60 years of experience representing...
E-cigarette and vaping-product manufacturers may face liabilities
One day after New York's attorney general filed legal action against an e-cigarette manufacturer, officials confirmed a second vaping-related death since a first occurred during the previous month. As reported by the New York Post, the state governor noted that the...
3 risk management tips for trucking companies
Owning a New York trucking company is a big undertaking. While the industry is very much in demand, there are many liabilities you take on with this sort of company. Not only is there is a nationwide labor shortage, but also you have to worry about accidents. The...