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3 risk management tips for trucking companies

On Behalf of | Jan 6, 2020 | Trucking And Transportation Liability Defense |

Owning a New York trucking company is a big undertaking. While the industry is very much in demand, there are many liabilities you take on with this sort of company. Not only is there is a nationwide labor shortage, but also you have to worry about accidents. The liability you take on as a trucking company owner is huge, so you must take steps to manage the risks and keep them low.

Sinclair Risk & Financial Management explains proper risk management can help keep accident rates down and prevent your insurance expenses from rising. There is a lot you can do as far as risk management in the trucking industry. Here are three tips you might want to use for your company.

  1. Hold drivers accountable

It is important that you make sure your drivers follow the law. You should also make sure your drivers adhere to hour restrictions. You can monitor their driving habits and take swift action on any reports of bad driving. If you find a driver breaking the law, make sure you act fast. Hold drivers accountable for their actions.

  1. Be a responsible owner

You also play a role in keeping your drivers and trucks safe. Never set impossible schedules, and avoid overloading your drivers with work. Make sure everyone is aware that they must follow all laws regarding drive times and load weights on trucks. Hold yourself as accountable as you hold your drivers because pushing them too hard and letting them slip when it comes to regulations and laws only leads to bad driving behaviors.

  1. Keep trucks in good condition

Take any maintenance reports seriously. Watch out for trucks that are having more issues than usual, and take the time to do full checks of each rig often. Make sure drivers do a maintenance check before every shift. Mechanical failure is one of the top causes of truck accidents, so keeping your trucks in good condition can reduce your accident numbers.

Lowering the accident risks as a trucking company owner is not as difficult as it may seem. In general, following regulations and laws will go a long way towards keeping your drivers and trucks safe.

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