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What’s it Worth? March 4, 2022

On Behalf of | Mar 4, 2022 | What's It Worth? |

Times are hard. The war in Ukraine is contrary to our concept of freedom and democracy. Before taking a look at this week’s cases we compliment Saturday Night Live on its cold open on February 26, 2022 in support of the citizens of Ukraine.




VENUE: Supreme Bronx

TYPE OF CASE: Premises Liability

FACTS: A 46-year-old unemployed man was struck by a cabinet which fell off the wall in his residence.


  • The plaintiff was taken by ambulance to a hospital emergency room where he was treated and released.
  • The plaintiff claimed that he suffered herniations at C5-C6 and L4-L5.
  • The plaintiff claimed he suffered trauma induced bulges atL3-L4 and L5-S1.
  • The plaintiff claimed that he developed residual impingement of spinal nerves and resultant radiculopathy.
  • The plaintiff underwent physical therapy and administration of five epidural injections of steroid-based painkillers without lasting effect.
  • A year and a half after the accident, the plaintiff underwent a cervical fusion including a discectomy with excision of his C5-C6 disc, a corpectomy with excision of parts of his C5 and C6 vertebrae, fusion of his spine’s C5-C6 level, implantation of a stabilizing plate and screws, and application of a stabilizing graft of bony matter.
  • A year later, the plaintiff underwent a second surgery including a discectomy including excision of his L3-L4 and L4-L5 discs, a laminectomy with excision of portions of adjacent vertebrae, and a facetectomy with decompression of the roots of spinal nerves.
  • The following summer, the plaintiff underwent administration of two painkilling nerve-block injections directed into his lumbar region.
  • The plaintiff claims he suffers residual pain and limitations.
  • The plaintiff has scars from the surgeries on his back and neck.
  • The plaintiff claims he will require 12-18 sessions of physical therapy per year for the rest of his life.
  • The plaintiff claims that he may require further cervical and lumbar spine surgeries.
  • The defense argued that the plaintiff’s conditions were degenerative and predated the incident.
  • The defense also argued the plaintiff did not experience residual limitations, and he would not require further treatment.

SETTLED: The parties negotiated a pretrial settlement of $2.75 million. The defendant’s primary insurer agreed to tender its $1 million policy and the defendant’s excess insurer agreed to pay $1.75 million from a policy that provided $10 million in coverage.




VENUE: Supreme Queens

TYPE OF CASE: Automobile Liability

FACTS: A 60-year-old accountant came into contact with a car as the car made a left turn near an intersection.


  • The plaintiff was transported to the hospital by ambulance where he was treated and confined for two days.
  • The plaintiff suffered a nondisplaced fracture of his skull’s frontal region.
  • The plaintiff suffered a contusion of his brain’s frontal lobe.
  • The plaintiff sustained a subdural hematoma and a subarachnoid hemorrhage.
  • The plaintiff was diagnosed with a concussion.
  • The plaintiff claimed that he developed post-concussion syndrome including dizziness, headaches, photophobia, and impairment of his vision.
  • The plaintiff also claimed that his memory was impaired
  • The plaintiff claimed he suffered herniations at C6-C7, L4-L5, and L5-S1.
  • The plaintiff said he suffered a bulging disc at C5-C6.
  • The plaintiff claimed that his herniations caused impingement of spinal nerves.
  • The plaintiff underwent conservative treatment including acupuncture, chiropractic manipulation, and physical therapy lasting 13 weeks.
  • The plaintiff claimed that his injuries impaired his ability to execute his job duties and retired 19 months after the accident.
  • The plaintiff claimed that he suffered residual pain and physical limitations and ongoing impairment of his memory.
  • The defense counsel argued that the plaintiff’s injuries required relatively minimal treatment and that the plaintiff worked almost continuously after the accident prior to his retirement.

SETTLEMENT: The parties negotiated a pretrial settlement which totaled $450,000. The defendant’s primary insured tender it’s $250,000 policy. The defendant’s excess insurer agreed to pay $200,000 from a $2 million policy.




VENUE: Supreme Queens

TYPE OF CASE: Premises Liability

FACTS: A union-affiliated film-production grip in his 50s, claimed that he fell down an interior stairway while working at a warehouse.


  • The plaintiff claimed that he suffered herniations at T12-L1, L3-L4, and L5-S.
  • The plaintiff claimed that he suffered trauma that produced bulges of his L2-L3 and L4-L5 discs.
  • The plaintiff claimed that his trauma produced retrolisthesis, involving displacement of vertebrae of his spine’s lumbar region.
  • The plaintiff claimed that he developed residual impingement of a spinal nerve and residual impingement of a spial nerve and resultant radiculopathy that stemmed from his spine’s lumbar region.
  • The plaintiff underwent physical therapy, the administration of painkilling trigger point injections, and the administration of epidural injections of steroid-based painkillers, but claimed that he continued to have ongoing pain in relation to the accident.
  • The plaintiff underwent a lumbar surgery which included a discectomy with excision of a portion of his L3-L4 disc and a laminectomy with excision of a portion of an adjacent vertebra.
  • The plaintiff claimed that he suffered residual pain and limitations which will necessitate early retirement.
  • The plaintiff claimed that his injuries prevent him from taking part in an active lifestyle.
  • The plaintiff claimed that he would likely require further physical therapy and surgery.
  • The plaintiff claimed past lost wages of approximately $96,000, future lost wages of approximately $1.8milllion and annual future medical expenses of approximately $11, 250.
  • The defense counsel argued that the plaintiff’s injuries were degenerative and that he was able to resume all pre-accident work-related activities.

SETTLEMENT: The parties reached a $3 million pretrial settlement. The defendant tendered a diminishing self-insured retention of $337,887. The defendant’s primary excess insurer agreed to pay $1,662,113 from a policy that provided $5 million of coverage.

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