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Residential life and expulsion: Can a student hold a RA or college liable?

On Behalf of | Sep 12, 2024 | Liability Defense |

Residential life at a college campus is the fodder of many popular Hollywood plotlines. From wild portrayals of raucous party life to the enormous stress that comes with trying to find success through academic or athletic achievements, the combination of high tension and low supervision can result in some bad behavior.

Queue the residential assistant (RA). RAs play a crucial role in the dynamics of college dormitories, providing support and ensuring a safe, respectful environment for all students. They act as a bridge between the students and the college administration, handling day-to-day issues and enforcing dormitory rules. When issues arise in the dorms, RAs are typically the first responders. Their responsibilities include:

  • Monitoring and reporting violations of dorm rules and
  • Providing initial conflict resolution and support to affected students.

These tasks are essential for maintaining order and ensuring the well-being of all residents.

What happens if there is a rule violation or serious instance of misconduct?

The RA’s first role is generally to approach and attempt to defuse the situation. The RA will also need to document and report the incident accurately and promptly. This protocol ensures that all actions are backed by documented evidence, reducing the risk of claims of unfair treatment.

Can a student hold a college or an RA liable for a suspension or expulsion?

Higher levels of education have clear behavior expectations. These are generally outlined within the student handbook. When a college or university chooses to suspend or expel a student for misconduct, the RA, the dorm, and the college may face accusations of unfairness. This is why it is important for RAs to follow the steps noted above. Prompt and accurate reporting can help to better ensure transparency and consistency in the application of rules. Having a written record is also important as it can serve as evidence of the details of the incident.

These practices help establish that the actions were justified and based on established policies, which is crucial for defending against potential legal challenges.

It is important for residential assistants and college administrators to understand the legal aspects of managing dormitory issues. By adhering to protocols, maintaining detailed records, and applying rules consistently, RAs can effectively manage their responsibilities while minimizing liability. This approach not only protects the institution but also ensures fairness and respect for all students involved.

Those who find themselves facing allegations of wrongdoing while serving in this role or colleges that are notified of an impending lawsuit are wise to take the matter seriously. These allegations can result in serious reputational damage and, if successful, have the potential for steep financial penalties. Defenses are available. It is wise to review the evidence and tailor a defense strategy to your specific situation.

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