Common pharmacy errors and how to prevent them

On Behalf of | Apr 25, 2019 | Pharmacy Medication Errors Defense |

As someone who makes your living dispensing medication in New York, you probably understand quite well that even the most minor pharmacy errors can have major consequences. At The Law Firm of Connors & Connors, P.C., we recognize that prevention is often your best defense against medication error claims, and we have helped many people in similar positions of responsibility take steps to protect or defend themselves against such claims.

According to the Specialty Pharmacy Times, some of the most common pharmacy errors include prescribing an incorrect medication, prescribing too much or too little of a medication, or failing to give patients the full story in terms of the risks associated with a particular medication. Other common pharmacy mistakes that can land you in serious trouble include selling medications that are unsafe or defective or prescribing a combination of drugs that, together, can cause dangerous side effects.

So, what can you do as a pharmacist or business owner to help protect yourself against medication error claims? First, make sure your pharmacy is not experiencing understaffing issues. The more workers have on their plates, the more likely they will be to make errors. Second, make sure everyone in your pharmacy undergoes proper and thorough training, and do not neglect to closely watch pharmacy technicians even after training is complete.

Third, make sure to check each written prescription you receive and ensure that it matches what you have in the computer system. Fourth, make sure that you and everyone who dispenses medication in your pharmacy takes the time to clearly instruct each patient on how to take and store each medication dispensed. You can find more about pharmacy medication error defense on our webpage.

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